Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to prepare to setup DataParrots in my environment?
    • An account at The account is used to authenticate your DataParrots workbench with Dataparrots Web Service.
    • A host for the DataParrots Web Application. The host must be placed within your environment that can access the databases you want to work with. It also needs to have access to the internet, specifically access to
    • Install DataParrots Web Application to the host. After you have the above prepared, you can login to to download the DataParrots Web Application. Install the DataParrots Web Application on the host, configure it as a web application. Also configure it with your DataParrots account credential, so that it can access DataParrots Web Service.
    • Run the web application and that’s it. You are up and running with DataParrots!
  • DataParrots consists two runtime components, DataParrots Web Service and DataParrots Web Application. DataParrots Web Service is the backend service hosted at DataParrots Web Application is hosted in your environment (on a computer in your network).

    In order to execute queries and retrieve data from databases, the DataParrots Web Application need to be connected to your databases. Typically, databases are not accessible on the internet. Instead, they are located inside corporate networks. DataParrots Web Application is designed to be hosted in your network, so it can connect to databases within your network.

    This not only enables direct connection to your databases, but also ensures that all data retrieval and data presentation are performed within corporate network.

  • DataParrots Web Application is a web application developed by to work with DataParrots Web Service. It provides a rich set of functionalities as well as easy of use user interfaces that can meet corporate users. DataParrots Web Application is the hub that serves three purposes:

    • Serve as the user interface that you use to work with data. All the functions and features of DataParrots are accessed via the user interface of DataParrots Web Application.
    • Serve as the connection point to your databases. In order to execute queries directly, the DataParrots Web Application need to be configured to connect to your databases directly. Typically, databases are not exposed on the internet, instead, they are located inside corporate networks. DataParrots Web Application is designed to be hosted in the corporate network, so it can connect to databases within corporate network. This not only enables direct connection to your databases, but also ensures that data never leaves your network.
    • Serve as the gateway to DataParrots Web Service, which is hosted on The service include all the essential services such as natural language to SQL generation, histories, favorite, recommendations, etc. The connection between DataParrots Web Application and is secured, and use your account information for authentication purposes

  • After you have setup DataParrots Web Application in your environment, it is just another web application. You can get started by doing the following:

    • Log in as “admin”. The DataParrots Web Application has a built-in administrator “admin”. It’s initial password is “admin”. You should immediately change the password to a secure password once you login.
    • As administrator, you can do the following:
      • Use “Database Management” to manage databases. Database management allows administrator to control which databases users are given access, and configure connections to these databases. This way, users don’t need to know the technical details of how to connect to databases, and so that you can perform fine control the level of access by configuring connection credentials and access rights of the credential in the databases.
      • Use “User Management” to manage your internal users. You can add new users, manage what databases a user can access. You can configure a user to be one of three types of users: user, tech user, and administrator. Users of type ‘user’ are given a UI that emphasizes ease of use for non-technical users, who concerns more to the question and answers with the database. Users of type ‘tech user’ are given a UI that emphasizes helping to generate SQL statements and fine tune SQL statements. ‘administrator’ can use the DataParrots Web Application to perform administrative tasks, or function as a ‘tech user’.
      • Use “Group Management” to manage authorization between users and databases on group level. For example, you can create a group “Executives”, place all executives in your organization into the group on, and place all the databases you want them to access into the group.
    • Publish the URL of your DataParrots Web Application to your users, so they can start using it.